Sunday, September 28, 2008

A song of love

I'm breaking my vow of silence -the one I never took. But I noticed, in the blogging world, that you're chill and "worth the read" if you take a vow of silence for so many days, weeks or months.
The only coolness I can claim, however, is in moving to a place with snail-paced internet, which makes it not only difficult to blog, but extremely annoying.

But today, I went to church. And at church, I sang songs with all the other church-goers and Jesus-freaks.

We sang "Jesus Loves Me." All of us did.

The kids, for the first time in the last half and hour didn't fidget. Those who silently mouth the words throughout the service could be heard several rows ahead. The holy-rockers raised their hands high. Everyone stood up. And emotion clogged my throat.

Each of us told the rest of us, with every pointed word in the song, that He was King. Jesus was King and Rescuer of our hearts.

He loves me. That is why I live.

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