Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sometimes I love being a medic, other times... I adore it.

Somedays, you just need a good cup of coffee. Today was one of those days.

Sitting outside the coffee shop was an old man, with the sweetest, round, cherry face, and a fall-colored, Scottish hat perched on his head. He made such an adorable picture, I wanted to pull a chair up to his table and have a "coffee" chat with him. It would have been good just to sit and soak up the morning sun, with him, elbow to elbow. Instead, I smile, say, "Good morning!" and pass.

On my way out of the shop, he stops me. "If I ever have a heart-attack, or a stroke, or something else, I want you to be the one who comes to help me... that way, when I die, you... your beautiful face will be the last thing that I see."

He doesn't have much faith in my paramedic skills. But he knows how to brighten one's soul.

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