Friday, May 16, 2008

I have a hang-over... a good way.

I'm still a bit looped from the most incredible night.

It began, not on a dark and dreary night, but on a lovely summer's (almost) eve; and me not being able to decide whether I should wear shorts or a skort to bible-study. Shorts won, and I was a few minutes late to the Gathering.

Study of the word and worship of my dear Jesus was beautiful. Several times during worship, I would just stop and watch those around me pour out their hearts to Him. And He came down and loved us.

Later, some "fellowship" with my dear friends around a bon-fire. The night was cloudless and warm. The fire flickered and spit out occasional embers. Conversation lapped like waves on the Oregon Coast.

The highlight though, was country roads, a Jeep Wrangler, and a Honda 800!

Ted's jeep was topless, doorless and had big tires. The wind whipped our hair and pulled on any article of clothing that was not directly tied down.

And then, Allen's 800. Nothing more needs to be said.

Jesus, friends, stars, and the night wind. Incredible.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

it's so tough being the bell of the ball (: