Saturday, June 14, 2008

Puke of the brain

I saw a shooting star.

"Puke of the brain" is a Dani California phrase.

The crickets are louder then Norah Jones.

A jogger cools down in the dark.

I'm researching the lifepak 12. Homework -thanks to my preceptor who swore that he would make me cry before my 4 weeks with him were up. Maybe when I retire from the emergency field, I'll take up poker.

I laid hands and prayed the Spirit over two people today; and they weren't healed. I'm still trying to believe -with that faith I've never had. If you know my back ground and are wondering why I would even do such a thing, this explains it (open "how to heal the sick").

Cars idle at the stop sign at the bottom of the hill.

Bugs keep falling on my keyboard, as though they've been shocked by the light. I wonder if my brain is being shocked and falling down down. Like a fly.

I talked with photographers, painters, wood carvers, and metal workers today at the 10th annual Town Center Plaza Art Show. I accepted their business cards, wishing in my mind that I had a place to put their $2500 works of art. And wishing that I could create $500 pieces of worthless decorations.

I go back to work tomorrow. I wonder if I had another 24 hrs off, if anything would change.

God loves me -more then anything. And I love Him -more then anything. He loves me more, though; I wish I could love Him more, too. But I don't. I know one day, my love will increase. But the best part is, He loves me.


Tim said...

What's the lifepack 12 and how does the preceptor plan to make you cry? Sounds like he's created a challenge.

Here's a quote for you, one I'm sure you've heard a few times, one your mother quoted to me when on the ranch: "There is no rest for the wicked."

It looks like you're having a bit of fun over there none the less!

Chelsea said...

Are you going to call me sometime??? the sister